Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reunion is Set!

As I posted before, our reunion will be held the weekend of July 17th-19th, 2009. Here are the plans we have so far:

Fri, July 17th: Meet & Greet, location & time TBA
Sat, July 18th: Reunion Banquet, Loyal Order of the Moose, time TBA (buffet style dinner and cash bar)
Sun, July 19th: Possibly a picnic, plans TBD as we see what kind of response we get

We will be sending an email out soon to the alumns we have addresses for to get a tentative count for the reunion and see what kind of interest we have. Please remember that we have no reunion fund as things stand right now so your reunion committee is footing the bill. It is extremely important that you get your ticket orders and money turned in as soon as possible after we send out official invitations.

Also, if you registered on the reunion website in the past few months, please email me ( with your contact info. It seems we may have a glitch with the website and I have not received anything in a while. Thanks!

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