Friday, December 05, 2008

Found Alumni & Reunion Update

Below is a list of alumni we have found. Those with a ** to the right of their name are people we do not have an email address for. If you are a fellow classmate and are not on this list please contact us as soon as possible. You can email me at celena [at] rocketyarn [dot] com. (replace [at] with @ and [dot] with .) If we are missing your email address please send that to me asap as well. I will be sending out very important reunion updates via email soon.

Anderson Eric
Barrowman(Brendel) Robin Lynn
Bernier (Oneal) Charlotte
Berg Derek **
Betts Brandye
Bladen Christopher Michael
Blades Michael
Blouse Gretchen
Boscarino Charles **
Boyd(Cashman) Elissa
Brooks Crystal
Brown (Redman) Lynsey Alison
Brown Carol Ann
Burchett Diana Theresa **
Canfield Sean C
Cannon Eddie
Carey Teleska
Carter (Bridges) Margaret
Chambers Randy W
Chatterson Jennifer
Clark Keith J
Cluckey Nadine
Covington Kevin J
Crawford (Vernold) Jessica
Crowl (Keene) Stacey
Daniels Johnny
Darling Larry J
Dean Kimberly J
Deaubler Brian
Digman (Wolfe) Karen
Dolinski (Jones) Bree
Dunbar Walter Scott
Duncan Kevin Patrick
Ervin Patricia
Evans Misty
Fifield (Townsley) Evelyn
Fiorelli(Chambers) Rosalia
Forbes Lee Daniel
Francois Gephte
Gibson Tamara
Gilmore Brett A
Gordon(Gordon-Summer) Torlanda
Greenhalgh Andrew Lee
Griffin Erica Nicole
Guiley (Gee) Jacquie
Hall Bertrum
Harden Brian Scott **
Hart Issac
Headings Holiday Robin
Henderson Jennifer Sue
Heatwole Erica Paige
Higdon Charles
James Gary
Jeffcoat Jesse E
Johnson Stephen Douglas **
Johnson(Williams) Tessa Michelle
Kersey Jessica
Kipling Keith **
Kitchen (Beane) Tisha Deanne
Knapp Andrea
Kreider-McClintok Patrica
Launier Paul **
Lemaster(Cervantes) Michelle A
Lemaster(Manganello) Jennifer Ann
Leonard Kirk S
Lewis (Moore) Jennifer
Lister Bobbi Jo
Little(Shiflett) Sandra Lee
Logan Hal
Maasdorp Lance
Mahaney Patrick
Masengale Rodney Earl
McAvoy(Bhooshan) Deshawn Noel
Mcgrath Angela
Medina Brian Alexander
Miner Micah
Minton (Whitford) Kimberly J
Mitchell Benny
Mong Natalie
Morris (Gonzalez) Jennifer
Nicoll Sean **
Nichols Luv Kiana
Olmstead Aaron **
Ostrander Layne David
Paoli David
Patterson(Wingate) Sandra Marie (Sandee)
Payne-Loiseau Alleen
Peachy Trina **
Pieniazek Jaime
Raynor (Crews) Celena Michelle
Raynor(Meiser) Erika
Rodenberger Cynthia Sue **
Rodriguez Joel
Roush Christopher Lee
Russ (Kersey) Courtney A **
Sanek Andrew
Sellers Travis
Schumaker Kenna
Sicard Bradley
Sims Daphne L
Smith Raylon E
Snyder Tina Christine
Spader Erick Michael
Spivey(Smith) Jennifer
Stamper Andrea
Stanish (Givens) Monica R
Stockton Evan **
Thomas Tumeka **
Thompson David
Townsley Kristopher Allen
Vogel Frank Joseph **
Vu Haiyen
Walker(Cristo) Maria
Waters(Barfield) Susan **
Watterson(Grim) Amy L
Westfall Justin
Wheeler(Tambone) Angela D
Whitehurst (Urban) Alisa
Wilkinson (Yochem) Jenny
Williams Dawn Christine
Wingate Jenny R
Winkel Kristopher Walter **

Monday, September 08, 2008


Hey everyone. Come on over to facebook and join us.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reunion is Set!

As I posted before, our reunion will be held the weekend of July 17th-19th, 2009. Here are the plans we have so far:

Fri, July 17th: Meet & Greet, location & time TBA
Sat, July 18th: Reunion Banquet, Loyal Order of the Moose, time TBA (buffet style dinner and cash bar)
Sun, July 19th: Possibly a picnic, plans TBD as we see what kind of response we get

We will be sending an email out soon to the alumns we have addresses for to get a tentative count for the reunion and see what kind of interest we have. Please remember that we have no reunion fund as things stand right now so your reunion committee is footing the bill. It is extremely important that you get your ticket orders and money turned in as soon as possible after we send out official invitations.

Also, if you registered on the reunion website in the past few months, please email me ( with your contact info. It seems we may have a glitch with the website and I have not received anything in a while. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reunion Fund Raiser

On the first weekend of Nov 2008 we will be holding a yard sale to help raise money for the reunion. The yard sale will be held in the subdivision of Manatee Oaks. Every year this community and the surrounding communities hold a 100 Yards Yard Sale that brings in lots of traffic. Parked cars line the subdivisions. I usually participate selling my daughters old clothes, toys, and baby products. I average $300 each year. So the committee has decided to participate to raise money to help with deposits for the reunion. We are asking alumni to donate items that they are no longer using and taking up space in their garages or storage units to sell at the yard sale. Clothes, old furniture, unused tools, etc. Any thing will help. All proceeds will be deposited into the reunion checking account. If everyone helps to make the yard sale successful we will be able to keep down the cost of the reunion. If you have anything to donate please contact one of the reunion committee members. ~ Gretchen

Reunion Committee

Gretchen Blouse:

Celena Crews(Raynor):

Daphne Sims:

Tine Coleman(Snyder):

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We Have A Date!!!!

Mark your calendars .... the SEHS Class of '94 Reunion will be the weekend of July 17th - 19th, 2009.

That's just over a year away and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's been a while ...

... but don't worry. We are still planning the 15 year reunion for 2009. We are looking at dates between Easter and sometime late fall. We'll let you know as soon as we figure it out.