Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pictures, News, Etc

Have any news to share? Please email it to me, Celena, at so I can post it here. Pictures of new babies, wedding news, college graduations or whatever you would like to share. I want this blog to be a great place for us all to get back in touch with old friends and see what everyone is up to. That being said, i'll start it off ...

Some baby news for you:
I, Celena Crews (Raynor) just had my second son on June 9th. His name is Brody Forrest Crews. He was born at home (yes I planned it that way) weighing in at an even 12 pounds. Yes I know ... huge baby ... and yes, I'm just fine! No drugs, no complications to speak of. I would recommend a home birth to anyone.
My first son, Houston Lee Crews was born August 28th, 2004 weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces. Also a drug-free birth with a midwife out-of-hospital.

So there's my news, where is yours?

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