Friday, March 23, 2007

We had a date ...

So we had our first planning meeting and we came up with a date for the reunion. March 20-22nd, 2009. Then Gretchen made some phone calls and we found out that was not the best time of year if we want to keep things affordable. Apparently rates are higher during that time of year due to the snowbirds. So back to the drawing board we go.

We selected a spring date because most people that filled out the survey said they wanted the reunion in the spring. However, we only got about 20 survey responses. Considering we graduated with about 400 people, this is not a good representation of the class. So we decided to hold off on selecting another date until we get more people to complete the survey on the official reunion website. See link to the right.

I also have some pictures to post from the social we had that night. We decided to try and get something like that set up on a regular basis. Check back here for the date of the next gathering.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Hope to see some of you this weekend. If you want to be a part of the reunion planning committe please try to make it to our first meeting this saturday. See earlier post below for details.

I set up a Yahoo! Group for the reunion planning committee. If you are interested in joining the group you can go to yahoo and click on groups. Then search for SEHS94. I tried to make this easier by putting a link here but I think blogger is deleting it because it is a link to yahoo and blogger is owned by google. Silly competition. You can also leave a comment to this post or send me an email and I will get you added that way.
